
Honey is the sweet, golden liquid that honeybees produce. It is made from the process of bees extracting nectar from flowers and storing it within the beehive. As the bees spread the nectar throughout the honeycombs in the hive, water evaporates from the nectar, making it a thicker syrup. It can be made from a variety of different flowers and has multiple uses. For centuries, honey has been used both as a food and as a medicine.

Beekeeping is a year-round, professional career at Sina Farming, and we have a certified beekeeper to lead the way. The farm even offers an observation beehive that our field trip students can enjoy! We do make Honey in our field also we do work with other local farmers to sell their honey at our market. No matter the season, there will always be fresh, locally-made honey at our farm!

The type of flower a bee visits and collects nectar from will determine the flavor of the honey. At Sina Farming ours is extra special as the pollen that is gathered by our bees to produce the honey is from a combination of different herbal plant in all over Iran so you will be sure which you will purchase full organic Honey from Sina Farming Group

What Makes Honey “Local”?
Some may define local as a 20-mile radius, while others may consider it more regional. The flavor of honey depends on the flowers that are located in the area of the beehive. Local honey can work as a medical remedy, for it is made from the pollen that often gives us allergies in the spring or fall!

Interesting Facts about Honey:

A bee must collect nectar from about two million flowers to make one pound of honey

It requires 556 worker bees to gather a pound of honey

Bees are the only insects in the world that produce food for humans

We have over 3000 beehives on the different farm all over Iran, and honey is collected a few times a year. Be sure to keep intouch with us through our Instagram account and try our locally-made honey. If you are interested in purchasing or learning more about Sina Farming’s honey, contact us today!

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