
A member of the bramble family and a relative of raspberries and boysenberries, blackberries have been consumed since before colonial times and remain a sweet summer treat for young and old alike!

Blackberries come in either thorny or thornless varieties and their sizes and sweetness vary, similar to other berries. A fully ripe blackberry will be the dark violet color that you know and love, while an unripe blackberry is actually red and resembles a raspberry!

Blackberry Farms thrive usually reach the peak of their season at  mid-June, which makes for a delicious blackberry pie or crumble on Independence Day a month later, that is, if you can wait that long!

One cup of blackberries is about 65 calories and offers over a third of your daily recommended amount of fiber and Vitamin-K, which promote a healthy digestive tract and bone health, respectively. One of the fibers found in blackberries is called pectin, which can help lower harmful cholesterol levels. Additionally, one cup of blackberries contains 50 percent of your daily Vitamin-C intake, which promotes eye health and strengthens the immune system.

Blackberries can be used for everything from flavoring maple syrup to making blackberry wine to making some of the most delicious desserts around. One of the best ways to eat blackberries is with a scoop of fresh vanilla ice cream. Blackberries are a great ingredient in fruit salads and traditional salads, alike, and with such healthy benefits, what’s not to love?.

If you are interested in purchasing or learning more about our mouthwatering blackberries and their availability, contact us today!

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