
Banana is one of the most popular fruits world over, it can be called the ideal anytime snack food because of the convenience it offers while eating it. No cutting, no mess, just peel and eat. The banana however can be called a champion fruit because of the infinite health benefits it brings to the diet across all age groups, gender and food cultures. Banana is a great resource for most of your nutrition needs. Here are some:

They contain vitamin A and C and a large number of vitamins from the B group, including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and B6, as well as traces of folic acid.

Potassium which is a vital ingredient in ensuring the proper functioning of muscles, including those in your heart!

Proteins as well as essential amino acids and Tryptophan.

Carbohydrates and fibers. A single banana is adequate to fulfill 16% of our daily fiber requirement.

Manganese and magnesium among other minerals that are part of our daily dietary requirement.

India is one of the largest producers of banana crop, accounting for 28 per cent of the produce in 2009. Major cultivation takes place in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. We Sina Farming International Group will choose the very best of these for you from our India operation

Organoleptical, Physical and Chemical Analysis:

Appearance Uniform, homogeneous smooth, free from fibers and any foreign matter.
Aroma and Flavor Characteristic prominent aroma of natural ripe Banana and free from any fermented & off flavor and scorched or caramelized flavor.
Taste Sweet characteristic ripe Banana fruit taste
Color Creamish white
Physical Characteristics Brix @ 20ºC: 20° Min
Acidity: 0.60 – 1.00(As % anhydrous citric acid W/W)
pH @ 20ºC: 4.20 – 4.80
Consistency@ 20° C:  4 -12 / 30 Sec (Bostwick)
Black Specks: 3 – 5 per 10 gms
Brown Specks: 10 per 10 gms
Microbiological Standards: Total Plate Count: <10 CFU per gram
Yeast and Mould Count: <10 CFU per gram
Coliform: Absent per gram
Pathogens: Absent per gram”Commercially sterile”, free from bacillus, osomophilic yeast, coliform and any other pathogenic microorganism and fit for human consumption.


Supply time:

January Available
February Available
March Available
July Available
August Available
September Available
October Available
November Available
December Available

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