Sweet Corn

Few things say summer more than biting into steamed sweet corn with a healthy dollop of butter and a sprinkling of salt and pepper on top.

Sweet corn differs from harvest corn – the type of corn that is used as a grain – in that it is “ripe” when it is in its immature “milk stage.” With that in mind, a “ripe” ear of sweet corn will have brown dried-out silk at the top of the ear and will have snugly grown into the husk. If you pick up a husk and can feel the ear move inside, then it is not quite ready to eat. Additionally, a good ear of fresh sweet corn will have full and plump kernels when the husk is pulled back.


Depending on the size, an ear of sweet corn will have between 75-100 calories. Sweet corn is gluten free and, therefore, is a great food that can safely be consumed by individuals with Celiac Disease. Additionally, sweet corn is high in dietary fiber providing 7-14 percent of your daily requirement. Research has shown that corn’s high ferulic acid content helps to combat aging and inflammation and that ferulic acid may even have anti-cancer properties.

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