
Are you as cool as a cucumber? The internal temperature of a cucumber is usually 20° cooler than the temperature outside. Originally from Southern Asia, these crisp, green, vegetables are actually fruit!  Pickled cucumbers, or simply pickles, as some people call them, are the product of regular everyday cucumbers that have been freshly cut, placed in a pickling solution, and have had time to age. Stop by our farm to pick up some fresh cucumbers, pickled cucumbers — or both!

The low-calorie cucumber is a great way to snack healthy because it’s up to 95 percent water. With fresh cucumbers, there will be no need for a multivitamin because it contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, Zinc, and many more. You can eat them by themselves, make sandwiches out of them or just toss them into a salad.

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