

Available: July thru March

Said to have originated in Sri Lanka or Moluccas, carambola has been grown for hundreds of years throughout South East Asia, Eastern Asia, Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka. Today, Malaysia is the largest commercial producer of carambola in the world. The fruit is also popular in the Western Hemisphere and is grown in Trinidad, Guyana SA.

The fruit is light and sweet and not overbearing in flavor. Although the flavor seems unexplainable it has been said to combine flavors of strawberry, lemon, banana, melon, and pineapple – but that all depends on the person eating it. Let the fruit ripen on a counter top at room temperature until it is yellow, still with a hint of green, and the ridges slightly browning. Avoid fruit that is full yellow and beginning to have brown spotting. Ripened fruit can be kept between 40º – 50 for about a week.

Carambola got its nickname star fruit from its shape. When cut in cross sections, the slices are in the shape of stars. Children especially enjoy the fruit. There is no need to peel or remove seeds, as the fruit is entirely edible. Carambola can be enjoyed out of hand, in salads, on the grill, in salsas, and it makes a beautiful plate or drink garnish.

Carambola contains oxalic acid, and similar to grapefruit may not be healthy for patients who suffer from kidney disorders or kidney failure or any stage of renal disease. There are also certain medication interactions, especially those who take medication to treat cardiovascular illness.

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